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Northside art and photography show

Kids at Northside Christian School displayed featured works of art during this year's art and photo show
Kaeli Buekert

Northside Christian School students displayed their finished art and photography projects March 26, applauded for their creativity and hard work.

“I am really impressed, they were such an engaged group and it shows through their work,” Emily Fisher, course facilitator said. “The kids had a lot of fun with it.”

Using their own cameras each student in the photography course learned how to use the camera  while acknowledging various elements of design when taking pictures. The kids made large displays of their best work for the show.

Kaeli Buekert, Gr 9, enjoyed going outside everyday to take pictures.

“Even when it’s cloudy we learned to take cool pictures with a not so interesting background and make it look interesting,” she said.

Another Gr 9 student Mathias Froese enjoyed taking photos up close.

“I think it looks neat because you don’t usually look at things that close. It’s cool to see things how we don’t usually see them,” he said.

For Austin Dueck, Gr 9, the class was fun since we got to experiment, he said.

“I learned to do things I never knew how to before like using the speed to make things blurred,” he said.

A similar liking to Jeffrey Neufeld, Gr 9, who found it interesting to use the shutter speed to adapt to the lighting outside.

Some art students also displayed their watercolour paintings at the show. Emily Friesen, Gr 11 said she learned how to do shading.

“I didn’t even know what water colours were before but now I can use them to blend everything and it’s neat how it all comes together,” she said.