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Before you vote, consider why

I fear of voters who make selections based on one or two campaign issues alone, and who are not seeing the entire package.

I’ve been thinking about the public reaction to the Canadian political campaigns - and here’s my rant.... I’ve always joked that the biggest failing of a democracy is that they let everybody vote, which the irony to me is extremely funny, but in no way my actual view. I have my own views on politics and what is best for the country based on my upbringing and life situations, which to me is completely logical and straight forward. I also have strong fears of what could happen to our country not to mention the world we live in if the wrong leaders are selected or if the power distribution is not correct between governments and society. These fears or concerns are not unique to me and I would hope that all members of society would have similar concerns, even if they believe that a different party would be the right choice. To them, their political beliefs are what in their opinion will benefit their future and that of their family and friends or society in general. I fear of voters who make selections based on one or two campaign issues alone, and who are not seeing the entire package. I also fear voters who just vote for a party solely because that is who they’ve always voted for and haven’t considered why. No matter how we all decide to vote, could we all just not make it personal about others who may think differently. Everybody can’t win, no matter how some aspects of society may want to encourage us to believe, but more importantly I hope that whatever outcome occurs, that Canada benefits!

Kirby Sayles,

Calgary, AB