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Vanderhoof Chilldren's Theatre marks 26th year with Finding Nemo Jr.

The show opens Wednesday, Jan. 29 at the Integris Community Theatre

Tickets are selling fast for the Vanderhoof Children's Theatre production of Finding Nemo Jr. which opens Wednesday, Jan. 29. 

"This morning I went to my store to count the tickets and we've sold 1,300 already," VCT founder and director Richard Wruth told the Express Thursday, Jan. 23. 

"We are doing 10 public shows and every single show has less than 100 tickets left available for each and we don't open until next week." 

To have sold that many tickets in advance is "really good," and shows the community's support, Wruth said, noting the addition of matinees has helped bring in bigger audiences. 

"We started that last year and that has really pulled in the outlying areas and other communities to come into Vanderhoof for the day. They might go for lunch, go to the play, go to the pool, go shopping and make a day of it." 

It benefits the theatre and the community, he added.  

Finding Nemo Jr. is a musical that was created for the stage in 2021.

Wruth is convinced not many people in the Vanderhoof area have seen it before and said it is the perfect way to celebrate VCT's 26th year. 

"In 26 years we've done almost every show there is so it is nice when new shows are released to have something new for the community to see." 

Producing the show has resulted in hours and hours of rehearsals and volunteer hours performed by a dedicated group of parents and community members, Wruth said. 

"We have 84 kids in the show so everything is produced 84 times." 

Elaborating he explained there are 84 turtles, 84 sharks, 84 some-sort-of undersea creatures and the ages of the actors range from seven to 18. 

"Everything is massed produced, but you also want to try and make a spin on it so everyone is a little different. It's a lot of work with long days and long hours. We've had teams of volunteers come on Saturdays and work for four or five hours." 

He estimated from start to finish there are probably 80 to 100 volunteers helping to make the show happen, maybe even more than that. 

Last July VCT selected Finding Nemo Jr. and rehearsals begin mid-September. 

At first rehearsals were three times a week for about two-and-a-half hours each, before things ramped up in November and four-hour Saturday rehearsals were added. 

After taking the Christmas break the rehearsals have become more intensive and longer. 

"This week is dress rehearsals so we start at 3:30 and go until 8:30 every night."  

Wruth said theirs is a non-profit society and they "fundraise like crazy," all year long and apply for grants. 

"The last few years we've been pretty fortunate to get some bigger grants."

He said local businesses, the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Artemis Gold and in the past Rio Tinto have supported VCT. 

"We just bough another five microphones for the kids, that was through a grant. This year we are adding projection so you can have a background scene. We incorporated that this year." 

They still built a set, but the back wall has another scene because of the projection. 

"It's something new we've never done before, but did it because we had grant money to apply for." 

Originally from Vanderhoof, Wruth grew up doing high school theatre and some plays in elementary school. 

"I kind of went from there and kept going. I never once thought we'd get to 25 years but I always said my goal was 25 years when I was about 21 years in. And here were are on number 26." 

The play is about an hour in length and will be shown at the Integris Community Theatre in the Necahko Valley Secondary School gym. 

Tickets are available at California Dreamin' in Vanderhoof. 

On Monday, Jan. 27 began a series of school performances for local students during the day time. 




Monica Lamb-Yorski

About the Author: Monica Lamb-Yorski

A B.C. gal, I was born in Alert Bay, raised in Nelson, graduated from the University of Winnipeg, and wrote my first-ever article for the Prince Rupert Daily News.
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