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COVID-19 exposure at The Key, weather shelter announced in Fort St. James

Northern Health made the public service announcement Dec. 1
COVID-19. (Image courtesy CDC)

Northern Health is advising of another potential exposure to COVID-19 in Fort St. James.

The health authority announced Dec.1 exposure events at The Key Resource Centre and the Cold Weather Shelter in Fort St. James between Nov.12 and Nov.25.

If you visited the resource centre or shelter during this period, public health officials are asking you to “take extra care to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 until Dec. 10,” Northern Health stated in a Dec. 1 news release.

Public health contact tracing is currently underway and Northern Health is reaching out directly to individuals who have been exposed, stated the release.

“If people remain healthy and do not develop symptoms, there is no need to self-isolate, and people can continue with their usual daily activities,” stated the news release.

Northern Health is asking people who develop any symptoms of COVID-19 to self-isolate and contact the COVID-19 Online Clinic and Information Line for Northern BC residents: 1-844-645-7811, or contact your doctor or nurse practitioner.

“If you have been identified as a COVID-19 case or close contact, please know that either NH Public Health or Nak’azdli Health Centre will contact you directly and provide further instruction,” as stated in the release.

Meanwhile, exposure incidents were also announced at Fort St. James Secondary School this past week.

READ MORE: Second COVID-19 exposure incident confirmed at Fort St. James Secondary

This announcement comes at a time of increasing cases in B.C.’s Interior.

There were 153 new cases announced between Nov. 13 and Nov. 26 in the Northern Interior Health Service Delivery Area which includes Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fraser Lake, Prince George, Mackenzie, Burns Lake and Quesnel.

As of Dec. 1, there have been 845 total cases in the Northern Health region, with 85 hospitalizations up-to-date, with 12 currently in critical care and 6 confirmed deaths.

Aman Parhar
Editor, Vanderhoof Omineca Express

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