Christina Millington
Omineca Express
The Vanderhoof RCMP detachment received a call on June 16 from a local group home reporting a missing teenage girl.
The detachment managed to track down the teen on June 19, as a result of her coming home on her own.
According to Sgt. Jason Keays, she was texting the group home making them aware of her whereabouts and that she was safe.
Once a call is placed to the detachment involving a missing person it becomes a priority.
“We are required to go out in search of the missing persons,” said Keays.
“We check for their physical, mental and environmental well being.”
Sgt. Keays stresses that it’s not necessary to run from police officers as it’s mainly protocol to check on the safety and conditions the person is being subjected to - they aren’t there to remove one from their whereabouts unless they feel they’re at danger.
“Often they will go were it is deemed inappropriate,” said Keays.
“At that point we can enter without a warrant and seize them.”
Sgt. Keays has been a part of the Vanderhoof community since May 16.
Keays makes a point to take foot patrols around the community ensuring that people are safe and well behaved.
“I’ve noticed a decline in community disturbances,” he said.
“I find this approach a good way to get to know the community and for the community to know me.”