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Disregard of public safety over smart meters frightening

Thank you for publishing the article by Hannah Wright (August 17) regarding Hydro’s callous disregard for public safety by installing their “smart meters”.





Thank you for publishing the article by Hannah Wright (August 17) regarding Hydro’s callous disregard for public safety by installing their “smart meters”.

When the World Health Organization classifies something as 2b, possible carcinogen, they don’t do this lightly.  Lead and DDT are in this classification so we don’t allow our babies’ toys to be painted with lead paint and we don’t spray our yards with DDT.

Last May WHO placed electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF) in this category.  Cell phones, Wifi and “smart meters” all emit EMF.  Hundreds of studies on electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF) were pored over by world-class scientists before they came to this conservative conclusion.

I say conservative because on-going studies show increasingly stronger correlation between cancer and EMF.  Olle Johansson, one of the scientists who worked on the studies for WHO is presently studying the correlation between cell phone exposure and face cancer on babies.

Yes, its’ not just “smart meters” that will do us in - cell phones, ipads, WiFi, cell towers all emit EMF and if one isn’t bad enough, the accumulation of it all scares the willies out of me.




Mary Lowther,

Mesachie Lake, BC