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Immigration: turning a blind eye

After watching the film, Crossing Over I couldn’t help but have an opinion on the struggles and sacrifices immigrants are having

Christina Millington

Omineca Express

Abusing the system, I think not!

After watching the film, Crossing Over I couldn’t help but have an opinion on the struggles and sacrifices immigrants are having to face for the sake of opportunity.

Immigrants face many challenges when wanting the chance to be in a position to provide a life for their family - hoping to bestow opportunity rather than struggle.

Families that often bring their family into the country illegally in hopes to gain face great struggle.

Children coming into Canada from foreign countries face many limitations, whether that is a language barrier or adjusting to a lifestyle they’re not accustomed to.

Unauthorized families coming over with children that have been born in their native country have a greater risk of being deported.

Leaving a country that they have come accustomed to and leaving abruptly unaware of why can be a hurdle that some may not bounce back from.

Why the need to shun those wanting to provide a better life for their children that may obtain the potential to stem from an upbringing that will allow them to excel – rather then have them live a life in fear of deportation.

Whether born in Canada or abroad, the children of immigrant families more often than not face intense challenges due to the differences between their cultural background and the community into which they are trying to integrate.

I can’t seem to understand why we as Canadians reject those wanting the chance to live a life that we are so fortunate to live.

That being said, I understand having unauthorized citizens filling the shoes of a qualified Canadian in the workplace will only present limitations for natives that already face the struggles of a suffering economy.

However, when did equal rights take a backseat in this country?

Life seems hard enough as is, why place unnecessary weight on the shoulders of those that can barely withstand the weight of the world most days.


I feel as though we need to become more aware of this unfortunate reality and encourage those living with limited means to experience a life of opportunity.