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Don’t play politics with BC Hydro

Don’t play politics with BC Hydro

Grain versus grass

Agriculture can be divided into two separate entities; one is growing commodity crops such as corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetables or fruit for human consumption; the other is growing grass.

Council show support for halibut sport fishing industry

The District of Vanderhoof council have agreed to write a strongly worded letter to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans about its decision to allocate just 12 per cent of B.C. halibut toward recreational and commercial sport fishing.

Situation at Fraser Lake Clinic needs attention

It is with grave concern that I am writing to you in regard to events taking place at the Fraser Lake Medical Clinic.

Northern Health decision needs public explanation

Health care is certainly in the fore front of the news in northern B.C., at the moment.

A taxing vote date

Are you ready to cast your ballot on the harmonized sales tax? Get ready, you might be voting soon … or not.
LETTER: Income disparity widens in Canada

LETTER: Income disparity widens in Canada

Vanderhoof sled drags a great show of community spirit

Congratulations to the coordinators and sponsors of Sled Drags 2011 held at the Vanderhoof Airport on Sunday February 27.

LETTER: What that social activist really said

The new landscape

My last article covered the phenomenal story of corn and how it has revolutionized agriculture. As I pointed out last time, corn is not the dominant crop in Canada, especially here in the West, as it is in the US but there are many similarities in the history of agriculture in Canada. Also as a large proportion of our food comes from the US, what happens there affects us also.